A multi-year Horticultural Therapy project that Helping Hands is funding started last fiscal year with funding a herb garden in Ward G of the South Campus. This year, the initiative replanted the gardens and also received funding from Operation Brightside to enable an FTC employee to become an Certified Horticultural Therapist.
Increased access to educational and leisure resources has been demanded by FTC's clients. All of FTC's programs now have access to Amazon Fire Kit tablets thanks to a grant from Helping Hands that will allow clients access to the St. Louis Library system, read books, listen to music, and access other educational materials.
Helping Hands continues to honor the history of the St. Louis State Hospital through the distribution and sale of the 2019 commemorative coffee-table book, St. Louis State Hospital: A 150-year Journey Toward Hope, which details the hospital's significance and ongoing benefits. Proceeds will help support future HH-FTC projects.
Helping Hands funded Seeking Safety, an evidence-based trauma-informed therapy with safety as the overarching goal in thinking, relationships, and behavior, to purchase 25 training manuals and continue provider education, with the goal of establishing a seeking safety group in each program.
ASAP, a peer-help crisis intervention service at the Forensic Treatment Center, addresses the psychological aftermath of patient assaults and violence against employee victims. ASAP is described as the most widely researched crisis intervention program in published literature for assisting with the psychological aftermath of trauma. Helping Hands purchased four copies of the updated ASAP book.
The SRIC Superstars Program, supported by Helping Hands, is part of the FTC Social Learning Program and aims to boost clinical staff's SRIC scores. It is designed to motivate and encourage clinical staff to improve their "SRIC" (Staff Response Interaction Chronograph) scores—data collected by behavioral observers related to staff interactions with clients. Staff with the highest scores are entered into a drawing for a $10 gift card. This initiative has led to positive client behavior.
Forensic Treatment Center (FTC) initiated Racial Equity Training sessions with Mr. Khatib Waheeb, with the Cultural Competence and Racial Equity Council (CCaRE) aiding. In FY 2021, Helping Hands supported a multimedia library on race, gender, sexuality, and diversity issues impacting FTC clients and staff. In FY 2022, $1,200 was provided to the Racial Equity group for refreshments during training sessions, reducing out-of-pocket expenses.